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Being an online matrimonial service gathers certain information from registered members, which is required to provide members with profiles that match their search criteria. The site is designed in such a way that only the basic information is shown during a search for brides/grooms which cannot be used by anyone to ascertain the identity of a particular individual. Advanced information of members like name, email, mobile, etc can be seen by other members only if they are explicitly permitted by a member by accepting the 'Express Interest' request sent by other members.
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We do not trade, rent, sell or give your personal information to anyone, unless required by law. We do not share your personal information to visitors to the site.
We share the following basic personal information to registered members if it matches their search criteria:
Gender, Date of Birth, Birth Place, Marital Status, Mother Tongue, Native Place, Height, Weight, Education, Occupation, Income, Hobbies/Interests, Current place of Residence, Photos and Church Details.
We share the following additional personal information to registered members only if it is permitted by you by accepting their 'Express Interest' request:
Mobile No., Email, Name, Family Details may update this policy from time to time.